Shipping policy

Our shipping policy is aimed at offering fast and reliable service to our customers. We understand that receiving your order is of great importance on time, and that is why we strive to deliver your order to you within the shortest possible time.

In most cases, orders that arrive at us on workdays before 4 p.m. This means that you can receive your products as quickly as possible. We do want to point out that there can be exceptions. Sometimes it can happen that products are not in stock, which can cause delay in the shipping process. In that case we will inform you of the expected delivery time as soon as possible.

On the product page of our website you will find an indication of the delivery time of the product. This indication is based on our experiences and knowledge of the product and the production time thereof. We do our best to display this delivery time as accurately as possible, but cannot guarantee that it is always accurate.

Regarding the costs for shipment, we use the following rates:

  • Orders from 350 euros are sent for free.
For one package we charge € 8.95 excluding VAT.
With two packages this is € 14.95 excluding VAT.
We charge € 21.95 excluding VAT for three packages.
With four packages, the costs are € 27.45 excluding VAT.
And for five packages, the costs are € 33.95 excluding VAT.
  • A rate of € 55.00 excl. VAT applies to pallet shipments within the Netherlands
  • A rate of € 70.00 excl. VAT applies to pallet shipments within Europe.

The costs for shipment depend on the size and weight of the shipment and can therefore vary. We do our best to keep these costs as low as possible, so that you do not pay too much for your order.

If you have questions about our shipping policy or if you want more information about the delivery time or costs of shipment, please feel free to contact us. Our team is always ready to help you and answer your questions.

Return policy

If your order does not meet our quality requirements, you have the option to return them. We guarantee the quality of our products and would therefore like to meet you in the event of any problems.

Before you return your order, we kindly ask you to contact one of our employees. This way we can assess the situation and possibly offer you a suitable solution, such as replacement of the product.

We understand that the return of a product can entail costs. For that reason we take these costs for our account. You can return the package free of charge via a shipping method indicated by us. It is important that you pack the product in the right way and ensure sufficient postage.

If you have any questions about returning your order or do you want more information about our return conditions, do not hesitate to contact our customer service. We are happy to help you further.

  • Address

    Cape Townweg 34B, 1047 HG Amsterdam

  • E-mail

  • Telephone

    020-21 01 486